For Non-Members


    Recipients of the Purdue Jewish Leadership Scholarships have been notified-award disbursements will be at Purdue Hillel in September date TBD 


    The Sigma Alpha Mu Foundation is fortunate to have a variety of scholarships for non-members, including several for children of members and some for children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of specific chapters, such as the University at Buffalo, San Jose State, and Long Island University. We also offer a scholarship to children of Sigma Alpha Mu alumni planning a career in aviation, high school seniors involved with USY/NFTY/BBYO, and Lakeview High School (MI) seniors planning to attend Western Michigan University. 

    Please see the descriptions below with the links to their specific applications. 


    APPLICATIONS WILL BE POSTED IN DECEMBER 2024-to be Notified when they're posted please COMPLETE THIS FORM


    Questions? E-mail Maria Mandel at



    For members of Sigma Alpha Mu with Daughters who are in or will be attending college, and working toward a degree in Fall 2024, we offer the William P. Schwartz Scholarships and the Weiss Brothers Scholarship for Daughters of Fratres. The amount of these scholarships varies (range is $500-$1500) and they are based on financial need. In 2024, $4,500 will be awarded.



    For high school seniors, male or female, involved with the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY), B'nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) or the United Synagogue Youth (USY) and headed to college in Fall 2024, we offer the the James Alexander NFTY Scholarship ($1000) and the Hanno Mott USY Scholarship ($1000) and the SAM Alumni BBYO Scholarship ($1000)




    For children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Beta Delta/San Jose State alumni who are in college or will be attending college, working toward a degree in Fall 2024, we offer the Larry L. Berman Beta Delta Alumni Scholarship. The award is $1,500 and may be divided among qualified applicants. Financial need, leadership, and academic achievement are considered.



    For children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, of Nu/Univ at Buffalo alumni who are in college or will be attending college, working toward a degree in Fall 2024, we offer the Nu Alumni Legacy Scholarship. This scholarship was previously only available to legacies who joined SAM fraternity and is now open to all, regardless of gender or affiliation. The award is $1,000. Financial need, leadership, and academic achievement are considered. 


    Note: If you are a member of Sigma Alpha Mu AND a legacy of a Nu chapter frater, please use the scholarship application for members of SAM.


    For children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Mu Phi/Long Island University alumni who are in college working toward a degree in Fall 2024, we offer the Ron Rapchik Mu Phi Scholarship. The award is $1000, and financial need, leadership, and academic achievement are considered.



    For the daughters and sons of Sigma Alpha Mu Fratres, we have expanded the Harv Weisblat Aviation Scholarship. If you are a member of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and your child is pursuing a career in aviation or an aviation-related field including:

    • Flight management of flight scheduling, air traffic control, airport management, airline safety or aircraft maintenance (or other FAA-related fields) 
    • Journalism-working for an aviation-related or airline magazine 
    • Aviation as an aerospace engineer or pilot or a career in the Air Force
    • The award in 2024 is $5,000.



    For Seniors at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek, Michigan who will be attending Western Michigan University, we offer the Girson Family Scholarship. The award is $1000, and academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement are considered.